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Cortex Sustainability
Pioneering Eco-Friendly Innovation

At Cortex, our commitment to sustainability is integral to our identity as a leader in innovation. We are dedicated to setting a standard for eco-friendly practices in the St. Louis region and beyond, ensuring that our impact extends far beyond the boundaries of our District.

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Embracing Our Role as Environmental Stewards


Our Sustainability Vision

Cortex's vision for sustainability is about pioneering new ways to integrate eco-friendly practices into every facet of our community. From green building designs to sustainable operational practices, we are committed to being at the forefront of environmental stewardship and a learning laboratory for sustainable innovation


A Roadmap for a Greener Future
The Sustainability Action Plan


Our Sustainability Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy that outlines specific goals and initiatives to enhance our sustainability efforts. This plan is a dynamic document, evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities as we continue to grow and innovate.

Read the complete Sustainability Action Plan 

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Impact and Outreach


Extending Our Green Influence

Cortex's sustainability initiatives are not confined to our District. We actively engage with the broader community and other innovation districts to share knowledge and practices, amplifying our impact on a global scale.

Collaborative Efforts for Sustainability 

Community Engagement: Working with local organizations and residents to promote sustainability in the St. Louis region.

Global Leadership: Sharing our experiences and learning from other innovation districts to foster a global movement toward sustainability. 

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Meet Our Team
The Cortex Green Team


The Cortex Green Team is at the heart of our sustainability mission. This dynamic group is dedicated to creatively and innovatively upholding our vision toward a more sustainable and eco-responsible future. Comprising passionate individuals from various sectors within Cortex, the Green Team leads by example, driving our District's eco-friendly initiatives with enthusiasm and expertise.

Each month, the Green Team will share updates on their progress, offering insights into the impact of our sustainability efforts and inspiring others to join in our mission. From spearheading new green initiatives to enhancing existing ones, they play a pivotal role in ensuring Cortex remains a beacon of environmental stewardship.

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