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Venture-Ready Missouri
Helping Startups Scale


Cortex Launches Venture-Ready Missouri
in partnership with Capital Innovators


Cortex has received a grant from the Missouri Technology Corporation (MTC) to stand up Venture-Ready Missouri to help early-stage Missouri startups improve their ability to secure venture funding. 

The two-part pilot course is designed to improve Missouri-based entrepreneurs’ potential to attract venture capital and angel investment. Cortex has teamed up with Capital Innovators to manage the lesson design and program execution. 

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About Venture-Ready Missouri
Two-part pilot course


Part 1 

Overview: Open to any Missouri startup company. Participants will gain an overview of various funding opportunities and detailed instruction on pitching to venture capital firms and the fundraising process.

Sessions: Virtual classes will consist of two, 1-2 hour sessions per week.

Dates: Program runs from June 3 – June 28, 2024.

Part 2 

Overview: By invitation only. Completing Part 1 is required to apply for Part 2. 

Sessions: Will occur virtually, with one Pitch Development Workshop per week, including one-on-one office hours to formulate a viable fundraising strategy. 

Dates: Runs from July 1 – August 30, 2024.


For Missouri Entrepreneurs:
No-Cost Participation


Thanks to MTC’s Missouri Building Entrepreneurial Capacity grant award, Venture-Ready Missouri is offered at no cost for all entrepreneurs based in Missouri. These grants are designed to help expand the state’s entrepreneurial capacity and grow its innovation economy.

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