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Step-Up Graduate Space
Your Growth, Our Mission

Our Step-Up Graduate Spaces are meticulously designed for businesses on the rise, offering the perfect blend of room and specialized facilities. These spaces are launchpads for your expanding venture, providing the flexibility and resources necessary for seamless scaling.

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Tailored Spaces for Expanding Ambitions


At Cortex, we recognize that growth is a journey, and your workspace should evolve with you. Our Step-Up Graduate Spaces are meticulously designed for businesses on the rise, offering the perfect blend of room and specialized facilities. These spaces are launchpads for your expanding venture, providing the flexibility and resources necessary for seamless scaling.


“We are proud to be part of St. Louis' vibrant biotech community. Our location enables us to collaborate effectively with our world-class scientific co-founders at Washington University and build on our existing partnerships with the area's premier scientific institutions.”   

-Kumar Srinivasan, Ph.D., President & CEO, Wugen


Adaptable Environments

As your business expands, your operational needs become more complex. Our Step-Up/Graduate Spaces are equipped to handle this – from larger work areas to advanced technological infrastructure, these spaces adapt to your growing requirements.


Collaborative Community

Choosing a Step-Up Graduate Space at Cortex means more than just upgrading your physical workspace. You'll be embedding your growing business within a supportive and resource-rich community. Here, you'll find the space to expand and a network of collaboration and innovation.

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"These spaces empower startups to navigate the critical early phases of research and development without the burden of prohibitive costs. When Wugen was faced with the need for space like this, we were fortunate that Cortex could accommodate our needs. If not, we would have been forced into substandard facilities or a move to a different city." 

- JOHN MCKEARN River Vest Venture Partners Managing Director and Wugen Board of Directors Member 
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