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Product Development - Prototyping

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Best viewed in conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation by Mark Hill.

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Prototyping Tool (IT)

Prototyping tool for non-coders. No endorsement given or implied.

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Prototyping Tool (IT)

Prototyping tool for non-coders. No endorsement given or implied.

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Inventors Association – St. Louis

Connect! … With inventors, entrepreneurs, intellectual property professionals, manufacturers, and investors. Educate! … Information, insights, mentorship and support shared by experts and industry leaders. Create! … Helping our members bring new products into the marketplace.

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MaRS Discovery District – MVP

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MaRS Discovery District – Product Management

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MaRS Discovery District – Beta Testing

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MaRS Discovery District – Prototyping

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Lean Starup – MPV

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Strategyzer – Protoyping

Avoid falling in love with your first idea, and learn how to prototype multiple business model options.

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